When you're finished recording, open your Capture session in Studio One ® Professional for Mac ® and Windows ® (included), and the entire mix scene will transfer to your Studio One session, including fader levels, Fat Channel setting, and yes, any drum solos that you may have had to endure that night. Capture's one-touch recording makes it easy to record to the StudioLive 32's onboard SD multitrack recorder. It's installed directly into the StudioLive 32 so you can leave your laptop at home. PreSonus Capture recording software is an intuitive, rock-solid multitrack recording application with virtual soundcheck. Add built-in AVB networking, onboard multitrack Capture ™ recording to SD Card, and a complete suite of software, and you have a mixing and recording powerhouse that's equally formidable in live and studio applications. The coveted StudioLive sound is better than ever, including all-new Fat Channel processing, re-engineered from the ground up, and vintage-style EQs and compressors. Yet despite its extensive features, the StudioLive 32 actually improves upon PreSonus ®' legendary ease of use while letting you customize its workflow and operations to fit the way you work. The result of nine years of R&D, our third-generation StudioLive mixer is fully recallable, with 33 touch-sensitive, motorized faders and 33 recallable XMAX preamps. The StudioLive ® 32 digital console/recorder is by far the most powerful mixer in its class.